A diversified investment strategy is the key to success for experienced investors. A capital investment in art is often part of annual financial planning in larger portfolios. Although the non-material and aesthetic value is usually the predominant criterion for collectors, works of art also represent a highly profitable alternative investment option and protection against value loss. Art has a low correlation with classic investment classes such as equities, bonds or gold. Portas Capital sees art as a safe currency.
Record sales on the art market were the order of the day in the last few years. In 2015, two world records were broken at auction house Christie’s alone. Amadeo Modigliani’s 1917/1918 painting Nu Couché and Pablo Picasso’s Les Femmes d‘Alger sold for USD 170 million and USD 179 million respectively.
Buying art can therefore be an ideal instrument for completing a first-class total portfolio while at the same time creating added value for the investor in the form of works of art.
Our Art Management team, which is supported by a global network of experts, offers a comprehensive service comprising governance and legal supervision, cataloguing and insurance, coordination of buying and selling, exhibition loans, logistics, and planning for the future.
Managing an art collection can be a challenge. When it comes to art collections, we can give our clients good and solid advice on topics such as logistics, cataloguing, storage and insurance, cross-border implications in terms of tax and governance, and acquisition and disposal of works.
Regardless of whether your collection covers old masters or modern art and wherever in the world it is kept, Portas Capital’s Art Management team offers a comprehensive trustee service.
It is very important to be aware of the potential pitfalls of the art market. Our knowledge and proven experience in this area substantially reduce the risk and offer security to clients and trustees alike.
Our clients are offered an independent and objective service with maximum discretion, care and efficiency thanks to our know-how and worldwide network of specialists.
- Catalogue your collections in our user-defined database and management systems, including purchase details, historical and current valuations, locations and exhibition activities.
- Coordinate all buying, selling and credit transactions and determine the best route for selling. Which market will deliver the best results and when? Due diligence and market research; collaboration with independent advisors, auction houses and galleries
- Governance and logistics, including insurance, storage, dispatch and installation, with institutional tariffs from preferred providers
- Facilitation of funding for works of art to release funds
- Ongoing legal supervision in connection with our Legal & Tax Advisory team and external legal expertise
- Support in making decisions about the future of a collection, e.g. donations, loans and setting up personal foundations or museums
- Coordination with our family office and multi-disciplinary asset management
We regard high ethical standards as a duty when it comes to the art market in particular.